Friday, July 29, 2011

The Power of FAITH

For the past couple of days, I would like to say I’ve been on some sort of journey in terms of my relationship with God. From age 13, I was always told that I was a Christian and it was imperative to believe in God and go to church etc etc, but not until recent did I actually understand what it means to have a relationship with God. 
I was reading my Bible last night, and I came across the teaching of “FAITH” in the book of Hebrews. (Hebrews11:1) explains that “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” According to the dictionary, Faith is “complete trust or confidence in someone or something” an alternative definition is that faith is a “strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.”
Through this definition, I’ve come to realise how important it is to actually have faith, we hear the word all the time, maybe when your going through something and everything just seems impossible and then someone says “have faith” we never really take it in when they say that but the word itself is so powerful. What distinguishes most believers from everyone else is our ability to have FAITH. We have faith in the things we cannot see, and I know it sounds bizarre but if you believe in the existence of a supreme ultimate being known as GOD in heaven then you are accepting that you have faith. Having faith in something is like making a wish and KNOWING it would come true, not HOPING, that it would come true but believing that it will. I’ll give some examples of situations in my life that many of you might be able to relate to. 
Imagine you just had an exam and you start to feel it dint go as well as planned but you know how hard you worked and didn’t sleep because you were up all night revising like crazy! Now faith is believing that all your hard work was not useless and you would come out with an A or 1st class or 2.1(second class upper) regardless of how you felt the exam went. I know this happens to many of us, sometimes we come out of exam saying “ah the exam was weird blah blah blah” knowing deep inside that we faith we would actually come out with a brilliant result and not doubting the situation, and at the end of the day what happens…BAM! You just magically happened to pass those exams way above average and you start telling you friends “omg I swear i didn’t even read that hard, I don’t know how I got it” RUBBISH! lol You got those grades because you know you worked hard, even if it was last minute and you had faith that u would do well because failure was never an option.
It is through faith that the impossible becomes possible. In hebrews 11:7 “It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood” Yes we all the know the tale of Noah’s ark and the massive flood, well most of us do. I think this story is actually a great example when it comes to having faith. Back in those days i’m sure noah was probably seen as a laughing stock or a loser to most of his friends because he must have been building that boat for years, I cant even imagine, according to the bible noah was 600 years old X_X wow…so people must have thought this man is actually nuts to be building a boat for a flood that seems impossible to ever occur. However Noah stood his ground and had Faith that what God had told him would come true. In the end what happened….the mighty flood came and who survived? Noah and his family. In my opinion Noah is def a lej (legend) to have carried that faith.
Anyway that was just an example to get my point across how powerful faith is. For most of you starting university this year, waiting for your grades in August to see if you can finally enter the University of your dream, all you need to do is have FAITH :D and you would get there. It’s easier said than done, but the mind is powerful and if you can conceive the idea of getting in then it would surely happen. Best believe!
I may not be the holiest person out there or a preacher but this is how I feIt and thought to share it with you, I hope everything I’ve said kinda made sense and you could relate to it some way or the other in an area of your life. Whether it’s having faith that you would get that job/start that company you’ve always planned for or having faith that you can get back into that relationship that seems impossible to fix, or having faith that you could fix that broken friendship, or having faith that someone in your family or friend can be healed from whatever illness. Oh and how can I miss out..having faith that your favourite football team wins that very important match. ;)
God is faith! #belieedat!
Zephia. x

Forgiveness is key

So my last post was on the power of faith, and now I feel I should write about my thoughts on Forgiveness. The two famous “F’s” in our lives to me is Faith AND Forgiveness.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the way I’ve lived my life and how I’ve treated people in the past and how I treat others today, and I realized the biggest problem we all deal with is learning how to truly forgive others. There’s this saying we all like to adhere to “I can forgive but I would never forget.” I’ve always thought there was nothing wrong with not forgetting what others have done to you as long as you forgive. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that right? WRONG. It’s so hard admitting this, but whenever we deliberately chose to remember the horrible things people have done to us in life, we might as well not forgive them.  Deliberately choosing to pile up someone’s mistakes in your head is actually a burden, similarly when you don’t forgive and hold a grudge against someone. Sometimes we tell ourselves “Oh that person is so insignificant to me, blah blah blah, I don’t care what they do blah blah, I don’t fux with that person anymore blah blah. ” But the reality of it all is that when we say those words it shows how much that person actually affects our lives. If we can see that person/those people (whoever has offended you) and their presence simply makes us uncomfortable to the point that we want to leave, doesn’t this make you stop and think what a burden It is that you haven’t forgiven that person.
I mean the fact that their presence makes u uncomfortable that has to mean that a part of you is greatly affected by their existence and that’s worrying. I’ve been in tons of situations like that, and if any of you have then I’m sure you have an idea what I’m talking about.
Okay here’s the hardest thing I’m going to say. Did you know that when you don’t forgive others God cannot forgive you. There I said it. Shocker! There’s proof I’ll show you. According to Mark11:25 it says “But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too” how scary is that? :s so in other words we must forgive people who have hurt us so God can forgive us. I know it’s easier said than done, but when you actually think about it, not being able to forgive is such a burden. To carry such anger and hatred over someone else when we should really be focusing on our lives, instead we spend time dwelling on irrelevant things and don't move forward.
I was reading something on about allowing God to work his way in your life, and one of the things stated was how forgiveness goes against our human nature. This made so much sense to me because as humans we are innately evil according to ancient Philosophers such as Plato. (I think it was Plato.) Some of you may have heard of the thesis on the innate nature of mankind and whether we are born good or bad. Anyway I’m not going to go deep into a philosophical debate. My point is, suppose humans are innately evil, and forgiveness is not part of us maybe that’s why we find it difficult to forgive others or maybe we just don’t forgive as a way of putting our guard up to avoid getting hurt again. However from what I read it explained that our “job is to forgive through faith until the work of forgiveness is done in our hearts by God” I assume this means, we must TRY to let go of grudges and if we actually pray about it and admit we need help to let go of the pain someone has caused in our lives, I believe God would actually work his magic and BAM! We just transform into this kind-hearted human being. Forgiveness is essential in life. It’s written everywhere:
Colossians 3:13-“ make allowance for each others faults and forgive anyone who offends you..”
Matthew 18:21(One of the disciples say to Jesus)” lord how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times? (Jesus replies) No not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (when I read this I was like ahn! :o *jaw drop*) X_X #deep!

Remember I’m not telling you how to live your life, I’m simply just pouring out my thoughts and writing whatever I feel I should write. But hopefully this kind of inspires you. I know I am nowhere near that PERFECT forgiving person attitude, but I hope someday I can be that person…if I’m being honest I’m working on it and one day I’ll get there. Hopefully so would you too :)


"This type love"

I’ve always been a fan of Def Jam poetry. This has to be one of my favourite spoken words by shihan, because I think it’s something everyone can relate too. Call it corny or cheesy, lol but I think what he says is so real because at a point in everyone’s life, you have probably felt this way about a significant other ;) or in the case of very few maybe not Yet!

Pushing Harder for your dreams

I’m sure at a point in everyones life they always imagined what it would be like to be a star. Probably many of us imagined what it would be like to have a voice that would rock a crowd, or be the famous fashion icon that everyone wants to follow, or be the famous actor/actress people see and literally break down with tears of joy. Well when I was much younger I remember my friend always having that dream. This video right here, is my childhood friend Emma singing to a Beyonce cover, watching her…it just makes me realise when you push hard in life for something you want you would eventually get it! It hardly comes easy at first, but that’s just part of the process, it’s about taking baby steps and facing all sorts of challenges before you actually get there. Dreams do come true because she is a star and she’s on the way to being the celebrity with the voice that would rock a crowd.


Appreciating your life more

This video is beyond inspiring, it just sends a message out that we should appreciate the things in life that we do have, because there are others in worse off situations. When i watched it, it just made me appreciate God more for the wonderful things he has done in my life, for health, happiness, providing for me and just being the biggest influence in my life. If i’m being honest majority of the time I forget to be grateful about my life, I forget to even thank God just for waking me up in the morning, I forget to thank God that I am alive and well and looking forward to a new day. Sometimes it takes watching videos like this or listening to inspiring stories for me to remember how good God is in my life, I know I’m not the only one that goes through this problem. My prayer today is that this ungrateful attitude changes not just in my life, but also in your life, (yes you reading this post right now) :) because life is beautiful, it doesn’t suck! We have a lot to be grateful for, think about it!


Be happy and stay positive :)
You know those moments when you just feel like getting depressed for no reason, or you start thinking negatively about the things in your life that you wish you can change but its just kinda too late…well I had a moment like that today. It made me realise that depression and happiness is simply a state of mind, we define our own happiness and determine what makes us happy or sad. If someone annoys the hell out of you, its up to you to decide whether their actions are going to control your emotions, you could decide to stay positive and simply tell yourself “today nothing is going to bring me down!” But then again its easier said than done. 
The point i’m trying to get across is, when we have those sad/depressed mood moments, we need to stop and think why we put ourselves through the stress of getting worked up at trivial things in life that could easily be solved. I am the number one culprit of this, literally I let petty things get to me and that's my whole day ruined. When I reflect back on it, in my mind i’m like really..I actually let those persons words or actions determine how I feel for the whole day. (absolute rubbish) Nobody should have that much power to control your emotions, because you are your own ruler, so you should live to please yourself, bring happiness into your life by staying positive&being surrounded by positive people that bring you up. THINK before you get angry, if the situation is worth getting upset about and then act.
xx Zephia. xx

What this blog is about

So recently, I started writing a lot of inspirational things that came to my mind and posted them on my tumblr blog. I really dint think a lot of people would identify with everything I was writing, but then I started getting tons of encouragement to keep writing and start a proper blog so the world can see what I have to say and my words are not just limited to those who have a tumblr account. So here I am on blogspot ! In the next hour I'm going to transfer the few things I've written on my tumblr here so you can all see where I'm headed with this blog.
Hopefully your inspired with my words :D