Thursday, February 23, 2012

So powerful

"Loneliness is not the absence of people, it is the absence of purpose and when you find purpose, the right people come"

Monday, February 13, 2012


R.I.P Whitney Houston- Aug 9th 1963-Feb 11 2012

I don't even know where to begin.....When I saw the tweets that whitney Houston passed away, first thing that came to my mind was this is just another silly rumour. It's funny how death takes us by surprise, we can never understand it or know when it's going to come, and to me that is the scariest thing.
She was definitely a legend. May her soul rest in perfect peace and her music live FOREVER. Most importantly, may God give her family and friends the strength to endure what has happened and find peace.Amen

1Thessalonians 4:13 
"For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him"

This is a verse I read a while back when I was trying to understand the whole idea of death and how to deal with it by faith. Really powerful and if anyone has lost anyone close to their heart I hope this verse helps.

with love,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So this is my first post since the start of the New year 2012, and the reason I haven't written in a while is because I needed the time to figure out some things for myself. Sometimes you just need a time out to learn from certain mistakes so you can pick yourself back up in order to move forward on the right path.

Now we have all heard the saying "now is not the right time" I can imagine how annoying it is to hear that, especially when you believe the exact opposite. The concept of time can be perceived in different ways however, the main idea behind it includes the past, present and future. I find the whole time concept so intriguing, because time is simply a reflection of our life.  Within time we see how our life pattern changes, things that were once important to us in the past no longer mean anything, because our life pattern is not consistent.  Situations seem to keep changing because it is inevitable, you cant avoid it even if you wanted too.

You start to notice a lot of changes, like the old you is simply changing into this new creation. Achieving the things you have always dreamed of and perhaps never thought you would accomplish. For some people it's the opposite, they find themselves doing things their past self would have had no interest in doing, while others just find themselves stuck in the same place. I'll tell you what I think the secret behind all this is.....
I don't think it is just NATURE taking its toll on us. I believe the way things turn out in our life has to do with a greater being beyond time and space to make those things happen. If you didn't quite catch that i'll rephrase. That greater being beyond time and space is God, because he is Omnipresent. He makes things happen in our lives when we least expect because He is outside of our natural time zone. 

Have you ever considered that sometimes when things are not going the way you want them to, maybe it just isn't the right time and that is sort of Gods way of telling you not now just be patient. But because we have our mind so wrapped up on getting what we want we loose sight of the bigger picture; the possibilities of a better plan out there for us. I know it sounds ridiculous because when we convince ourselves that this is the right time to go ahead and pursue something, we go for it. However when it doesn't go our way we start feeling like we have failed. In my opinion, that is the biggest lie. You HAVEN'T failed. The truth is, we are so blind to see that maybe that path was just not for us. We may not understand it but what better way to get an answer than from what God actually says. 
Isaiah55:8 "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts"  This verse is basically saying that the Big guy (God) operates differently from you. It's self explanatory, His ways our not our ways and in His time He makes all things beautiful.

You need to be confident and have faith that at the right time (Gods time) what you want would come, but you just cant afford to operate under your own will because it wont take you anywhere. If you find yourself in this situation where nothing seems to be going right, be it in a relationship,  university, internship/job applications,  family/friend issues or financial matters. Rest assured that in His time everything would fall into place, but it has to be it has to be right for you. It goes beyond you wanting something, literally the plans you make need to fall in line with the goal He is trying to manifest in your life, because if it doesn't add up then you would constantly see that your plan isn't going anywhere. I'm sorry but you are going to have to let the plan go and aim at what God wants, which I'm sure is ten times better than the plan you wanted. Oh and some of you might agree but think "how am i supposed to know what he wants?"  Simple... PRAY on it, and an answer would definitely come some way or the other. You would actually be surprised at the amazing changes in your life once you start praying and putting God ahead of you. It actually works. I'm speaking from experience and I want to share this gift with you so everything can fall into place. It may not happen right away, but trust me you would begin to see positive changes. 

Proverrbs3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take"

Dwell on it, Believe it and Work with me you cannot go wrong!
Happy new month btw! :)
With Love,