Monday, January 21, 2013

Brief notes on Faith-Thanks Devon Franklin

Husband to Megan Good, Devon Franklin speaks on his celibacy and being two different people. "I would preach one thing, but then live another life" I watched this brief interview on him and felt like I could relate so much to what he was saying. Author of the book "Produced by Faith" where he speaks on the power of faith and how we can find success without compromising who we are and what we believe in. Now that is power in the mouth right there.
I am definitely going to buy the book and I recommend you do too, it might give you the insight you've been looking for, with regards to sorting your life out. I have always believed Faith can take you anywhere and I actually blogged about this 2years ago. (LINK below TO READ:)-->

When I look back on what I wrote it just reminded me of the greatness ahead and how we can achieve anything we want in this world, once we live by faith, prayer and of course working hard to meeting our goals. Just stumbling on Devons 4minute interview, really set me back into perspective on a lot of things, so I just thought to share it with you all.
Hope you enjoy his brief interview!!

You are wonderfully made,
Psalm 139 :)
Love Zephia!

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