Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Inspiration from within

So my really close friend Simi Seriki, was telling me about an experience that has helped her look at life from a different perspective. Everything she explained just made so much sense and I want everyone to read this post, trust me it's worth it! (I don't take credit for any of the words written in this post. This is by Simi, all I'm doing is publishing) Enjoy! :)

At the end of the church Service last Sunday, the Pastor made us perform an exercise that really left an impression on my heart. He said we should imagine that we were in Heaven,and there was a big screen,and on it,God played us a DVD entitled "what could have been". Imagine this DVD gave us a visual ordeal of the life we COULD have had,if only we yielded to the voice of the Lord.
This simple story got me thinking about the concept of 'destiny'. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, and I often find myself echoing this phrase impulsively, to either a friend who has lost a loved one,or to another who has failed her driving test. But it recently occurred to me,that this phrase runs deeper than what it might seem at face-value.
Everybody has a destiny.Nobody was created by accident.
In Jeremiah 1:5, God says:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”
What i got from this was that for every individual that God has created, there is a specific task that only that person can achieve. Your talents are as such,because they are necessary catalysts that enable you to achieve what you were born to do.I don't know what you might be talented at- for that person who is an amazing singer,it could be that God wants you to use your voice to honour him in praise and worship,and you shouldn't let that go to waste. The enemy might try to trample on your destiny by making you insanely shy/nervous, but with God,this can easily be overcome.
While all that might sound straight forward (and being a believer is really very straight-forward!) I think the more challenging concept is that of accepting that the hardships you go through-whatever they might be, are there to shape who you are to become,in order for you to fulfil your destiny.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28
It steal beats my imagination, that God would allow a woman to die during child birth! it makes me question why God bothered bringing that child into existence in the first place,if he is to grow up never knowing his mother. But it could be that her simple task was to be the womb from which this great child was conceived in,and God wants to use the child to perform great signs and wonders in His Name. And for the child, it could be that the experience of growing up without a mother is all in plan with his own destiny, because as long as he steadfastly trusts in God, He would use his story to encourage others in similar situations,and in that way win more souls for God. It's difficult and sometimes over-bearing, but the reason we shouldn't give up is that we can be assured that God will not leave us nor forsake us through it all. This same God sent his only son -Jesus, to die for all our sins. The only reason Jesus became man and experienced the things He did,was so that he could subsequently die on a cross, for you&I. Think about it,it couldn't have been easy,even for God to watch his Son suffer,but wouldn't we say it was worth it?? He is the same God that was back then,and He would never give us anything we cannot handle.
In the same manner,we should endeavour to encourage each other,rather than be so quick to criticise.I think the worst thing will be for one to fail to fulfil his/her destiny before their time on earth is done,and it's even worse if your harsh words had a part to play in it.
In the first place,the only way to know why you were created is to ask God,and continue to diligently seek His face in every situation you find yourself in.
Conversely,the easiest way for one to miss their destiny is to think they can do it all by themselves. I'd love to see them try,because I know that all the gifts we need, God gives us freely..If only we ask and believe.
It's not an easy journey. I know just as well as you that it's become routine to be so inspired by the Sunday service,and then to forget it all the moment we become choked by the things of the world- be it parties, "gist",TV shows,relationships,family problems,etc. These things clog our mind space,and they make God less of a priority in our lives. The only answer to all our problems is God. Another reason Jesus became flesh was so He could go through some of the things we go through e.g. temptation.Therefore,we know that He will be compassionate and we can be rest assured that God will have mercy on us,as long as we continue to live a life that is attractive to Him.
We can simply start by asking Him to be our everything. It's a simple prayer! There's a song by Tim Hughes called 'Everything', and the lyrics go something like "God in my living,God in my breathing….God in my thinking,God in my speaking…Be my everything". This is a principle I am personally trying to apply to my life,and I know that I'm not there yet, but I also know my best is yet to come by God's Grace- and so is yours! Amen. So for as many people that read this and can relate to it,it's always encouraging to remember that regardless of how many times you fall short of being worthy, He still loves you :)
God Bless ♥

Simi Seriki.


  1. If anyone that reads this post has any questions. Just hola at Simi.S. She's the inspiration behind this post remember.Enjoy! xxx
