Monday, August 22, 2011

See no evil, hear no evil

Luke 11:34 “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is bad, your body is filled with darkness”

I’ve always believed that our eyes, ears, and mouth act as a window to our soul. I believe that whatever we take in, to flourish in us is what we would exhibit consciously or unconsciously.  It’s like telling a 5 year old to cover their ears when you don’t want them to hear you use foul language, because you know they would immediately repeat what you have said.  It’s the same pattern, when we see things on TV or listen to music and start repeating the same words in our every day lingo because what we have seen/heard has made an impact on us one way or the other.

I’ll give an example, when I first heard the Gucci mane song “Wasted” The intro of the song goes like this. (I’m sure a lot of you know it already but I just have to quote it so people understand what my point is in this message) Anyway so it goes “Rock star lifestyle might don’t make it. Living life high everyday click wasted… party party lets all get wasted”.
Now whenever I heard that song in clubs, literally all I wanted to do was get smashed. Like off my face. Simple. (I’m going to be honest with u guys. No point pretending or tying to put on “I am holier than thou” act, that’s not what this blog is about. It’s about me in transition to being a better version of myself and still showing my true colours, because change doesn’t come overnight it comes from within and of course when you constantly pray to God to help you find the calling he has on your life).
 This is just an example how words can easily leave an impression on us. This really got me thinking about the whole theory that our eyes and ears act as a window to our soul. I started to think, the things I allow myself see and listen to how does it reflect on my character? Does it influence me positively or negatively and how do I act towards others. For a while I’ve been thinking about this and we may not admit it but the music we listen too has such an influence on us. Especially in this day and age where we are just crazy over all sorts and we let song lyrics flourish in our lives. DON’T GET CONFUSED WITH WHAT I AM SAYING.

I love Music, and I have my selected artists, that I would go out of my way to learn the lyrics. I’m not saying oh don’t listen to this or that song, what I’m saying is sometimes there’s always some sort of hidden message in the things we listen to and the things we watch. Being young we love to be ignorant of a lot of things and our excuse is always that we are young hey so why not. I remember when I was much younger whenever there was a song I was listening to in the car and an adult happened to be there with me I would always turn down the music when it got to the swear words or when I knew the artist was talking about something inappropriate. I’m sure we have had those moments when our parents would say to us “what rubbish are you watching/listening too” and I just always thought omg take a chill pill it’s just music what’s the big deal. But now looking back, I see what the fuss is. You know there are songs out there that actually influence suicide. Music controls the emotions and sometimes there are certain songs that can make u happy, songs that make you want to cry, songs that just put you in a bad mood and songs that make you feel like your life is a complete mess!

I was thinking it’s so easy to remember what the lyrics to the new song is, but it’s extremely difficult to remember what the Bible says about certain things in the world because if I’m being honest, I don’t focus on God ENOUGH, and it is so bad. I try, like I really do but the “I try” is just not enough. I feel like God sometimes tries to speak to us, but we can’t hear his voice because our thoughts are clouded with rubbish from the junk we listen too and focusing on certain TV shows or meaningless gossip that add no value to our life. Remember I’m not saying don’t watch this or that because I know I’m going to keep listening to the music I love. This post is not to condemn music but rather to create an awareness of how the things we let flourish in us may kind of distract us from what God wants us to hear. Ecclesiastes 12:1-6 “ Don’t let the excitement of youth, cause you to forget your creator. Honour him in your youth before you grow old….. Yes remember your creator now while you are young”

Stay Blessed & Inspired

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


(#Its long but trust me read it to the very end :)

I realise that I worry way too much, if something bad is happening around me I automatically start to think of the worst that could possibly happen.
 Given situation, with the riots spreading every where from London to Birmingham to Manchester etc etc. I've been panicking ever since they hit Manchester because I go to university there. Literally the minute it came on the news that it was hit I went nuts and I'm sure people who live there can relate to this. Note I’m actually all the way in Tuscany, Florence to be precise, so I'm nowhere near the rioting but YET I was still panicking and thinking the worst. All these what-if questions started coming to my head.."what if they burn down uni" " what if they burn down my new apartment I just got with my friend" "what if they burn down the favourite milkshake joint my friends and I love going to" and "OMG what if they burn down sakura(it's a club in Manchester btw)" note how petty my what-ifs are meanwhile peoples lives are also at risk .

 So I rang my mom and started complaining about what these unlawful people were doing. Of course, the reason I called her was because I was expecting her to baby me #EPICFAIL at that trial. You know what she said.." Stop it! this is how the world is. They riot everywhere ALL THE TIME. Yes the situation is depressing but there is no reason to cry, first of all you should be thankful to God that you are alive and safe." When she said that, it didn’t even hit me that I was being inconsiderate. But what she said after..."How about in your country Nigeria where they have been burning churches in Abuja and killing Christians like it's nothing, the situation is still on going, and you didn’t call to complain about that when it was happening" OUCH! (one of those mummy talks that burst your bubbles but at the end of the day they are right)Yea that hit me really hard, it just showed how sometimes we are so engulfed with the things going on around us that we forget about the troubles in other parts of the world. Yes there have been words of encouragements, people saying #PrayfortheUK and that's fantastic, but the truth is sadly it's not just the UK that's in a messed up state. It may be the main headline, but there are many troubles elsewhere.  So my own request is #PrayforWorldPeace.

 In relation to me worrying, despite all these horrible things happening, I just had to calm down and actually pray. Not tweet with everyone saying “pray for this and that” but actually just pray by asking God for peace and then I read these verses and I felt so much better:

Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for what he has done, then you will experience Gods peace”

1Peter 5:7- “Give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about you”

I just thought to write this, because I’m sure there are many people out there worrying about this and that, It doesn't even have to be about what's going on in the UK. You could be all the way in America or Nigeria or some where in the world reading this post and you might be worrying about something that's going on in your life right now, maybe a job/new business plan, or friends you've fallen out with or family problems i.e health, or finding the "one" or maybe something to do with school. Just concentrate on those two Bible verses i've quoted and believe it! That when you give all your worries to God, he actually has a solution. You may not see it right away, but trust me it's there. 

Stay Blessed&Inspired.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


This life is so unpredictable, you never know when yours would come to an end. Learn to live in love and be at peace with yourself and most importantly to the people around you.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Inspiration from within

So my really close friend Simi Seriki, was telling me about an experience that has helped her look at life from a different perspective. Everything she explained just made so much sense and I want everyone to read this post, trust me it's worth it! (I don't take credit for any of the words written in this post. This is by Simi, all I'm doing is publishing) Enjoy! :)

At the end of the church Service last Sunday, the Pastor made us perform an exercise that really left an impression on my heart. He said we should imagine that we were in Heaven,and there was a big screen,and on it,God played us a DVD entitled "what could have been". Imagine this DVD gave us a visual ordeal of the life we COULD have had,if only we yielded to the voice of the Lord.
This simple story got me thinking about the concept of 'destiny'. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, and I often find myself echoing this phrase impulsively, to either a friend who has lost a loved one,or to another who has failed her driving test. But it recently occurred to me,that this phrase runs deeper than what it might seem at face-value.
Everybody has a destiny.Nobody was created by accident.
In Jeremiah 1:5, God says:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”
What i got from this was that for every individual that God has created, there is a specific task that only that person can achieve. Your talents are as such,because they are necessary catalysts that enable you to achieve what you were born to do.I don't know what you might be talented at- for that person who is an amazing singer,it could be that God wants you to use your voice to honour him in praise and worship,and you shouldn't let that go to waste. The enemy might try to trample on your destiny by making you insanely shy/nervous, but with God,this can easily be overcome.
While all that might sound straight forward (and being a believer is really very straight-forward!) I think the more challenging concept is that of accepting that the hardships you go through-whatever they might be, are there to shape who you are to become,in order for you to fulfil your destiny.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28
It steal beats my imagination, that God would allow a woman to die during child birth! it makes me question why God bothered bringing that child into existence in the first place,if he is to grow up never knowing his mother. But it could be that her simple task was to be the womb from which this great child was conceived in,and God wants to use the child to perform great signs and wonders in His Name. And for the child, it could be that the experience of growing up without a mother is all in plan with his own destiny, because as long as he steadfastly trusts in God, He would use his story to encourage others in similar situations,and in that way win more souls for God. It's difficult and sometimes over-bearing, but the reason we shouldn't give up is that we can be assured that God will not leave us nor forsake us through it all. This same God sent his only son -Jesus, to die for all our sins. The only reason Jesus became man and experienced the things He did,was so that he could subsequently die on a cross, for you&I. Think about it,it couldn't have been easy,even for God to watch his Son suffer,but wouldn't we say it was worth it?? He is the same God that was back then,and He would never give us anything we cannot handle.
In the same manner,we should endeavour to encourage each other,rather than be so quick to criticise.I think the worst thing will be for one to fail to fulfil his/her destiny before their time on earth is done,and it's even worse if your harsh words had a part to play in it.
In the first place,the only way to know why you were created is to ask God,and continue to diligently seek His face in every situation you find yourself in.
Conversely,the easiest way for one to miss their destiny is to think they can do it all by themselves. I'd love to see them try,because I know that all the gifts we need, God gives us freely..If only we ask and believe.
It's not an easy journey. I know just as well as you that it's become routine to be so inspired by the Sunday service,and then to forget it all the moment we become choked by the things of the world- be it parties, "gist",TV shows,relationships,family problems,etc. These things clog our mind space,and they make God less of a priority in our lives. The only answer to all our problems is God. Another reason Jesus became flesh was so He could go through some of the things we go through e.g. temptation.Therefore,we know that He will be compassionate and we can be rest assured that God will have mercy on us,as long as we continue to live a life that is attractive to Him.
We can simply start by asking Him to be our everything. It's a simple prayer! There's a song by Tim Hughes called 'Everything', and the lyrics go something like "God in my living,God in my breathing….God in my thinking,God in my speaking…Be my everything". This is a principle I am personally trying to apply to my life,and I know that I'm not there yet, but I also know my best is yet to come by God's Grace- and so is yours! Amen. So for as many people that read this and can relate to it,it's always encouraging to remember that regardless of how many times you fall short of being worthy, He still loves you :)
God Bless ♥

Simi Seriki.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Fear to me, is an emotion that can easily control your life. It hinders your ability to do something. Being afraid of something or someone simply means that you have labelled that thing or person as a threat in some way or the other, it's like almost having an anxiety attack when your scared of something.
Okay so what's my point, why am i going on and on about fear. Well I was doing some thinking (yes I'm quite the thinker) and I started remembering times in my life when I've always wanted to do something but couldn't because I was afraid.  I strongly believe that fear is an emotion we tend to let flourish in our lives because sometimes we just cant be bothered to deal with it, after all everyone has a phobia right?  But why should we allow fear get the most of us...think about it.

The most common fear I believe is the fear to Fail. That word "Failure"powerful isn't it.  One thing I've observed is that everyone is always striving to be the best, to be above the competition and not Fail which I think is such a good spirit to have, to be determined and motivated, however we are so afraid of failing in life that in the process of trying not to fail we end up failing because fear just happens to be an influence. (however it can go the other way) Okay Imagine going for an interview or exam, and you are so scared, all you want to do is panic and tell everyone how scared you are this that blah blah. (#Confession-I know i used to do it, tbh it won't be normal if we dint do it at least once nobody is that calm in life ) Anyway back to the topic. By the time you get to the interview or exam you just freeze like totally blank out like one of those zombies in 28days later. Why because of FEAR.

Sometimes people are afraid to be different or show who they really are, we fear that we might not be accepted or loved or seem"cool" because we don't conform to the way society wants us to be. But in all honesty, the way the world works we can't be loved by EVERYONE there would be criticisms here and there, people talking rubbish trying to bring you down but you know what the greatest feeling is, when you end up facing your fears and not giving a care what the world thinks as long as you know God is somehow working in your life.

 Isaiah 41:10-"Don't be afraid, for I am with you, don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you." I don't think I need to explain in depth what the verse is saying it's self explanatory...basically God is saying don't live in fear. To battle fear we need to have faith by letting God come in and just work his magic because we honestly can't do it alone, yes we might get encouraging talks like what I do on my blog, but at the end of the day I can keep writing and writing and somehow inspire you but you know where the ultimate power lies? With God. My words can only be encouraging to an extent, I bet after you read this post by tomorrow you would forget and go about your business, and you know what that's fine because I can only put a thought in your head, I don't have the power to make you deal with your fears only the Big guy can, so start off by asking Him anything you don't even need to be THAT religious, and you would be surprised just what he can do :)
I know I have doubts and fears, it's perfectly normal so what I'm going to do is take my words into practise and ask God to help me deal with it.

Happy new month!! (I just had to say that because I finished this post at the start of a new month) :D
Stay Blessed&Inspired
Zephia xx