So my last post was on the power of faith, and now I feel I should write about my thoughts on Forgiveness. The two famous “F’s” in our lives to me is Faith AND Forgiveness.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the way I’ve lived my life and how I’ve treated people in the past and how I treat others today, and I realized the biggest problem we all deal with is learning how to truly forgive others. There’s this saying we all like to adhere to “I can forgive but I would never forget.” I’ve always thought there was nothing wrong with not forgetting what others have done to you as long as you forgive. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that right? WRONG. It’s so hard admitting this, but whenever we deliberately chose to remember the horrible things people have done to us in life, we might as well not forgive them. Deliberately choosing to pile up someone’s mistakes in your head is actually a burden, similarly when you don’t forgive and hold a grudge against someone. Sometimes we tell ourselves “Oh that person is so insignificant to me, blah blah blah, I don’t care what they do blah blah, I don’t fux with that person anymore blah blah. ” But the reality of it all is that when we say those words it shows how much that person actually affects our lives. If we can see that person/those people (whoever has offended you) and their presence simply makes us uncomfortable to the point that we want to leave, doesn’t this make you stop and think what a burden It is that you haven’t forgiven that person.
I mean the fact that their presence makes u uncomfortable that has to mean that a part of you is greatly affected by their existence and that’s worrying. I’ve been in tons of situations like that, and if any of you have then I’m sure you have an idea what I’m talking about.
Okay here’s the hardest thing I’m going to say. Did you know that when you don’t forgive others God cannot forgive you. There I said it. Shocker! There’s proof I’ll show you. According to Mark11:25 it says “But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too” how scary is that? :s so in other words we must forgive people who have hurt us so God can forgive us. I know it’s easier said than done, but when you actually think about it, not being able to forgive is such a burden. To carry such anger and hatred over someone else when we should really be focusing on our lives, instead we spend time dwelling on irrelevant things and don't move forward.
I was reading something on about allowing God to work his way in your life, and one of the things stated was how forgiveness goes against our human nature. This made so much sense to me because as humans we are innately evil according to ancient Philosophers such as Plato. (I think it was Plato.) Some of you may have heard of the thesis on the innate nature of mankind and whether we are born good or bad. Anyway I’m not going to go deep into a philosophical debate. My point is, suppose humans are innately evil, and forgiveness is not part of us maybe that’s why we find it difficult to forgive others or maybe we just don’t forgive as a way of putting our guard up to avoid getting hurt again. However from what I read it explained that our “job is to forgive through faith until the work of forgiveness is done in our hearts by God” I assume this means, we must TRY to let go of grudges and if we actually pray about it and admit we need help to let go of the pain someone has caused in our lives, I believe God would actually work his magic and BAM! We just transform into this kind-hearted human being. Forgiveness is essential in life. It’s written everywhere:
Colossians 3:13-“ make allowance for each others faults and forgive anyone who offends you..”
Matthew 18:21(One of the disciples say to Jesus)” lord how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times? (Jesus replies) No not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (when I read this I was like ahn! :o *jaw drop*) X_X #deep!
Remember I’m not telling you how to live your life, I’m simply just pouring out my thoughts and writing whatever I feel I should write. But hopefully this kind of inspires you. I know I am nowhere near that PERFECT forgiving person attitude, but I hope someday I can be that person…if I’m being honest I’m working on it and one day I’ll get there. Hopefully so would you too :)
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