Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dreams faith can buy

I took this picture at Camps Bay-S.A. The most amazing view

Lately the phrase “closer to your dreams” has been in my head probably because this is how I’ve been feeling all summer and the feeling is just amazing.
Now what does this to have to do with your dreams? Everyone was purposefully created to achieve something on earth; this is why we set goals in life, because innately we know we were created to do something. The challenge isn't getting the idea but rather how you are going to execute this idea. I feel I should emphasise on the power of doubt and fear, how these two concepts can literally hinder our abilities and potential in life because we let these factors control us. Many of us have creative ideas but we never push to make that idea a reality, because we are scared, lazy, doubtful and nonchalant until someone else happens to be living vicariously through our ideas and we have nobody else to blame but ourselves. They say the smallest ideas can grow into the biggest realities (actually I just made that up, but I know there's a saying that goes something like that) actually here’s a perfect quote “Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes” #NapoleonHill

When we decide that doubt and fear can no longer have a strong hold over our ideas and potential we begin to excel beyond what we even imagined. The number one secret and door to success is Gods way. I can't even emphasise this enough! We are not self-made beings, therefore our human capacity to achieve all we want in life is limited but when we put God in the equation it literally transforms from:

Your power + Your Intelligence + Your connections= short term success---> built on Individual strength 


Your power + Prayer+ Gods Power (which contains 'Mercy'- He will give you mercy when it feels like you can't make it. 'Favour'- when you just need that luck at a point in time. 'Glory'- His glory working through you so that the earth itself and everyone in it may glorify what you stand for. 'Motivation'- His power drives you to the zenith, you never feel like giving up because He is by your side. 'Peace' - inner peace from within reflects on your work on the outside. 'Endurance'. 'Patience'- sometimes God slows us down because He is creating a BETTER plan but we must learn to wait on His voice.  'Leadership'- when you lead, your peers shall follow willingly and see you as an example because His 'Light' shines through you) = LIFE TIME SUCCESS--->built on seeking God step by step to reach that level.

A common problem we face once we achieve something we always wanted, for a short period of time we thank God and then sort of go back into neglecting him. It's like getting exam results; the day before, we pray and beg for mercy and when we are successful we glorify Him but right after the climax has died down, we forget. It's okay; I am very like this, which is why I am comfortable, talking about it. What I am trying to challenge here is we think at that point in time yes we have made it, this is all I ever wanted so thank you God, okay bye God I'll holla when next I need you again, you've been a stand up guy. Safe. Lol. It sounds funny but that's how we literally treat situations. Have you ever stopped to think why should my success end here? If I can achieve this much and God forever wants me to succeed-Exodus 33:17 "I will indeed do what you have asked for, I look favourably on you, and I know you by name" then why should my goals be limited? When we achieve something, we need to be less like cool task done but rather our mindset needs to be okay God thank you for helping me overcome this and be successful with this, so what next can I do to Glorify you, where shall I aim for to shine and lead the way you expect me to. 

If we strive to think this way all the time, there will be no limit to our success in life. I am going to be honest, I don't think this way at all, but I just got a rush to write this for some reason, so now I'm going to put my words into practice because this summer I feel closer to my dreams and this is only the beginning. I want you to feel closer to your dreams and when you get there, the amusing thing is you realise it is only the beginning and not the ultimate achievement. At the right time, God makes our biggest dreams come easily so we can DREAM BIGGER and Aim higher. 
But remember this only happens through the "Alternative Route to follow" which I explained above (Your power + Gods power) Philippians 4:13 "For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" :)

Stay Blessed&Inspired

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Perseverance: "Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success"
I was thinking on what to write on next, and when I just said God help me, I felt the word "Perseverance" come to my heart so I decided to look it up and get the full meaning. It's crazy because this is how I see myself, to always pick myself up in spite of certain circumstances that may deter the goals I am trying to achieve. I never stop going because it feels like a race, to get to that level of achievement that I know I have the potential for because God is on my side.

Now don't get me wrong in my human nature there are times I have doubts and days of procrastination, swimming in a pool of laziness because I feel disappointed that I may not be achieving certain things yet. I know there are so many people who feel this way every day and literally have no motivation or inspiration to pick themselves up because they have failed so many times at the things they aspire to achieve. If this is you or someone you know of then I feel this post is for you..

I'll tell you what keeps me going when I feel like I'm losing it. It's not a pep talk from friends or parents. It's my faith in Gods word spoken over my life. Before I started getting comfortable with reading the Bible (still trying to get comfortable trust me) my mom would always pick out Bible scriptures for me to read when I was younger, we called them "promises" and she would fold each scripture in a piece of paper and every month it was a new message. This was what actually led me to start opening my bible out of my own will, not because I was at church and had to or because I was doing it to put up an angelic front but I actually started to get interested in these "promises" that are scriptures in the bible because I felt this was how God spoke to me, and now in my bible I have tons of little paper notes with dates (earliest date I see is 2003) pointing out a message for me. (Shout out to my mom for picking out these messages for me without realising the impact it will have on me now and on others as I share them. You are truly a blessing-Love you!) *Okay back to my point*

I want to share a promise with you all that applies to everyone- Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken or failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?"

This verse literally moves mountains, just read it again. God never changes his mind! So what does this have to do with you? In life we are created for a purpose and we set goals to achieve certain things but sometimes it doesn't look like our efforts are going anywhere. This is where this verse comes in with my topic of Perseverance. God sees it all, the trials, the hurt, the pain our efforts. Don't give up! Once you have asked for something in His name, just remember He can never fail you. Another verse to back this up is 2:Samuel 22:30 "In your strength I can crush an army, with my God I can scale a wall" metaphorically speaking it means with God you can achieve whatever you dream of!

Be "persevering" and see where it takes you
Stay Inspired& Blessed
xx Zephia xx

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